“The object of this club shall be to foster religious and social unity
among the women of St. Cecilia’s parish.”
By-Laws Article II
Club Officers
Spiritual Director Rev. John Connor
President Jackie Pahl
Vice President Darlene Willey Sliwa
Treasurer Norma Bandarra
Recording Secretary Cheryl Wesolowski
Corresponding Secretary Kim Lawler
Immediate Past President Sue Agnew
Join women of the parish in regular meetings and activities devoted to friendship and spiritual growth. Activities range from the Rummage Sale to Bowling League to Loaves and Fishes meal preparation. Meetings are once a month on the second Tuesday from September to May. For more information, please contact Jackie Pahl (413 427-1589).
Meeting Information
Unless otherwise indicated, club meetings are held at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center on the second Tuesday of the month. Check program details in the club members booklet for more information. There is no monthly meeting in January.