Under the leadership of then-pastor Rev. Joseph M. Soranno, HOPE (Help Our Parish Expand) Ministry was created by Saint Cecilia Parish in September 2005 to live the mission of Jesus Christ by helping our brothers and sisters who are most in need. In September of 2023, after prayerful consideration and under the leadership of our current pastor, Rev. John Connors, we have updated our mission and our name. HOPE (Help Our Parish Evangelize) Ministry acts upon the Gospel imperative to feed the hungry, clothe the impoverished and care for those in need. Using our time, talent, and treasure, we support and assist programs and organizations – both locally and internationally – that address basic human needs as well as the dignity and sanctity of life.
We are proud to report that since its inception, HOPE Ministry has donated over $560,000 to support its worthy mission. The success of this mission is a direct result of the tremendous generosity from Saint Cecilia parishioners and friends who supported our ongoing fundraisers and projects with both financial donations and the purchase of thousands of Gift Cards. More on Gift Cards a little later.
With the development of the new mission, HOPE Ministry has created three (3) areas of focus to better serve our parish community and beyond.
Chairperson – Sr. Mary McCue, SND
Vice Chairperson – Annette Bishop
MISSION: We are blessed as a parish to have our HOPE at Home Ministry. This ministry has allowed us to help our own parishioners as well as people who have come to us in their time of need. The goal for our HOPE at Home Ministry is to assist those in temporary need, whether locally or internationally. As we do this, our HOPE at Home Ministry will remain alive and vibrant.
Chairperson – Maxine Mazur
Vice Chairperson – Jackie Madden
MISSION: Supporting local food banks: Survival Center, Western Mass Food Bank, etc. Creating food collection and distribution programs that our parishioners and church organizations can support for those in need.
Chairperson – Katy Reed
Vice Chairperson – Kathy Fuss
MISSION: Focusing on assisting homeless children and their families. The Birthday Wishes Project is coming October 2024. Birthday Wishes makes a difference by bringing joy of a birthday party. Details will be announced as to how you can be involved. We will continue to support Pro- Life initiatives by hosting a baby shower for Bethlehem House in April 2024.
Gift Card ProgramThe Gift Card Program financially supports all HOPE Ministry missions. Gift cards are for sale after every MASS. By participating in this valuable program, we can continue to support all our parish missions. It is through the proceeds from the sale of the gift cards that we can provide the necessary funding for the missions we have outlined. It is easy to do…. Scan the QR code to view and print your order form, write a check to St. Cecilia Gift Cards for the required amount and bring it to the gift card table after any Mass and you go home with your gift cards! Please contact John Gilbertie (413-847-3415) with questions. Please, cash or checks are the only payments accepted (to avoid the added convenience fees for credit card use).
All are welcome to volunteer with HOPE Ministry. Events, as they happen, will be posted in the bulletin. Please see the Volunteer page for contact information. Thank you for your consideration.
HOPE Ministry Board of Directors and Advisors
Fr. John Connors, Pastor, Chair Sr. Mary McCue, SND Peter Ablondi, Secretary Annette Bishop Kathy Fuss |
John Gilbertie Jackie Manning Maxine Mazur, Treasurer Katy Reed |