42 Main Street - Wilbraham, MA 01095

Contact: (413) 596-4232     

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Music Ministry

Todd A. Rovelli, Music Director

Since 1983, Todd A. Rovelli has happily served as choir master and organist for Saint Cecilia Church, where he is responsible for direction of the church’s three choirs and planning music for all weekly and special liturgies. He received his BA, double major in Mathematics and Music from Dartmouth College in 1985 and a PhD in Mathematics from Brown University in 1992. Since 1996, he has also functioned as music director for the Performing Arts program at Holyoke High School. Fans of the long-running high school television quiz program, As Schools Match Wits, may be familiar with Todd’s work as question writer/research consultant for the show during the past 23 years. Todd is thrilled to be a part of the Saint Cecilia community, and hopes to continue his music ministry here for many years to come.

Adult Choir
The adult choir sings each Sunday at the 11:00 AM Mass and at special events. Rehearsals are on Wednesday from 7:00-9:00 PM from Mid-September through early June.

Youth Choir
The youth choir is for 7th-12th graders who sing once a month at the 4:00 PM Saturday Mass and at special events. Rehearsals are on Monday at 6:15 PM.

Family Liturgy Choir
The family liturgy choir is for youth up through middle school. Members sing every Sunday at the 9:30 AM Family Liturgy Mass from September through May. Rehearsals are on Thursday from 7:00-8:30 PM.  Please contact Carolee McGrath (279-1096 or caroleesings@yahoo.com.)



 42 Main Street ~ Wilbraham, MA  01095

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
(413) 596-4232



Music Ministry